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Honoring the pride of the Northland!  We serve to highlight our communities with honest reporting as progress is dependent on facts.  The Northland 

is rich with outdoor activities and beautiful landscapes found in few places around the world.  We respect the need to preserve our environment while 

also allowing for the sustainable incomes and livelihoods of our residents.  Both are needed and possible. . .



(Pictures by John Peyton, late Duluth artist)


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The Normalcy Bias

Marvin Pirila

The “normalcy bias” is what psychiatrists call it when people always expect things to naturally return to a stable, “normal” state.  For example, the masses expect that everything will carry on and that America is too big to fail.  Not only is it not too big, it has failed. There will be a heavy price for her failure because of the failure of the majority to defend itself against what the government is doing to destroy your nation.


Obama is embroiled in more scandals than all other presidencies combined, yet it seems accepted.  Bill Clinton got impeached for lying and having a consensual affair with his intern, but with several American’s killed, President Obama is skating.  Is this the new normal?


Reality shows now dominate the air waves, proving that vanity, self-indulgence, and immorality are now cherished.  Big brother, The Kardashians, and The Bachelor are nothing but the exploitation of shallow people selling immorality through sexual undertones and vanity.  The hundreds of reality shows attest to their strength among the populous.


Facebook and Twitter are the worst culprits of reporting life minute by minute, rather than living it.  Everything isn’t news.  Individuals respond to things in haste, only to have to make a retraction later on.


When it comes to politics, people, by and large, just show up and vote based on family tradition, color, or a personal difference.  The average American could not give you a valid reason for their choice.  If the anti-Christ ran openly as a Democrat or Republican, many Americans would make their selection based on the D or R after their name.  Normal for many, is simply voting as their mom and dad did, who voted just as their parents did.


The constant repetition of messages provides the “normal” line of thinking for many.  If something is reiterated repeatedly, it comes to be accepted.  Such things as global warming and gun control are two topics grossly distorted from the actual truth.


Now if you’re rich and famous, you can do pretty much what you want.  That’s normal.  If we minions do it, we must suffer the wrath.


If a person of color is the victim of a crime it is a “hate” crime.  If a white person is victimized it is just a regular crime.  There’s no crazy white version of Reverend Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson taking every opportunity to shove his face in front of cameras crying racism.


Normalcy for a man with children divorcing is that he will pay full child support and see his children just four days a month.  This is considered just and fair today.


Regulations are seen as absolutely necessary today to hold the horrible companies responsible for their wrongdoing.  Strangling them out of business, like coal and refineries, is “normal.” Passing along the increased cost to consumers for doing the right thing is everyday business.  Sure we need coal and refineries, but they represent the death of the planet!


It has become normal to have our email hacked, our phone calls and online transactions monitored by the NSA.  It's also normal for government workers to get immunity after trampling our rights.  Likewise, it's just another day when politicians do exactly the opposite of what they promise – often simultaneously.  Complaining about it and doing nothing about it is also normal.


It’s completely natural to sit on all of our resources while we import oil from rogue, terrorist countries like Iran and Venezuela.  Why build the Keystone pipeline to get cheap oil from our friendly neighbor Canada?  We are “saving” the planet by financially supporting the countries hell bent on destroying us.

If you aren’t “politically correct” in your speech or writing you are wrong.  It’s normal for everyone to pretend everything is just perfect or just a little bump in the road.  If you aren’t substantiating another’s opinion you must be wrong.


We are living in a time where many of us are alarmed, but even more are living in a state of “normalcy bias.”  Nothing could ever seem to shake those that are so invested in what they think they know.  Every individual has the right to be a sheep or a lion, but what does the sheep offer that only reiterates the words of their leader, whether right or wrong?

Strategic Insights - Managing by the Book

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This book shares the experiences of a manager of 30 years who has worked firsthand with employees at every step of the way.  It explains the many ways and processes needed to maximize performance with varying types of people, opposing unions, and boundless bureaucracy.


This manager has always maintained firsthand communication with employees, learning what motivates and demotivates him or her. 


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