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CanoeingLynx and PartridgeWalleye Rising

Honoring the pride of the Northland!  We serve to highlight our communities with honest reporting as progress is dependent on facts.  The Northland 

is rich with outdoor activities and beautiful landscapes found in few places around the world.  We respect the need to preserve our environment while 

also allowing for the sustainable incomes and livelihoods of our residents.  Both are needed and possible.

(Pictures courtesy of

Northland Watch:  When you want or need your news fast!  The only place you're going to find the good and bad in your community.

CanoeingLynx and PartridgeWalleye Rising

Honoring the pride of the Northland!  We serve to highlight our communities with honest reporting as progress is dependent on facts.  The Northland 

is rich with outdoor activities and beautiful landscapes found in few places around the world.  We respect the need to preserve our environment while 

also allowing for the sustainable incomes and livelihoods of our residents.  Both are needed and possible. . .



(Pictures by John Peyton, late Duluth artist)


Northland Watch:  When you want or need your news fast!  The only place you're going to find the good and bad in your community.

The Impeachment Hoax - Supported by senators Klobuchar and Smith
Senators Amy Klobuhar and Tina Smith;

Stop your Democratic path of obstruction and resistance to President Trump based on fallacious reports.  It's a disgrace to have a Senator, much less from our home state, advocating for impeachment based on self-serving lies of Democrats, minions, and Media.  This shows the lack of integrity and constitutional fortitude needed by any politician.  The Democratic Party has reduced itself to baby killing, socialism, and abuse of power and influence.  The fact is that many Democratic operatives should face treason charges for their attempted coup.  Everyone, including those that aid and abet such ridiculous claims deserves to be rebuked, recalled, or voted out of office - then shamed for their lack of decency and adherence to law.  You and your party does not represent me or the hundreds of millions in this country.  It represents 'your best interests' and those of a 'third-world' party.  If the Democratic media reported accurately and your blind followers paid attention, you would have no one on your side.  No one!  You have deceived them as you continue to try to deceive others.  You are a member of the deep state and an abomination to the charter of this great nation, mocking the many who shed blood, efforts, and life to maintain a nation of morals, ethics, and laws.

This generation of Democratic politicians will go down in history as the most corrupt, treasonous, and deceptive in American history.  You have signed your name and spread the lies, thus making you a historical member of this national hoax.  Congratulations!  I was happy when you (Amy Klobuchar) ran for president, because I knew it would show your character and beliefs.  Now that they are plain to see, you have no chance to be president and should face a senatorial race that you lose.  I hope it was worth it.  You have only God to answer to after that, and your vote in favor of baby genocide is among those issues you will have to address.  You and Tina Smith dishonor your posts and the voters of this state and country.  Moreover, you dishonor the code of Christianity which is to honor life and treat others with decency and integrity.

 Winning by lying and deception is wrong no matter how much you may personally benefit.  You will find that there are real consequences for such a path, in this life and the next.

Minnesota deserves better, America deserves better.

I blind copied many others that I hope will share their disgust of your actions and that of the Democratic Party.  Have you no shame, honestly, or self-respect?

Marvin Pirila